Welcome to Holy Rosary Catholic Church
Holy Rosary Catholic Church is part of the Catholic Diocese of Memphis. Located in East Memphis, Holy Rosary’s over 70 years of history is rich in tradition and stewardship boasting more than over 70 different ministries, organizations, and activities for parishioners of every age. Our Parish’s practice of service to our church, diocese, school and community, ensures that Holy Rosary will continue to grow and make a difference in Memphis.
Our Mission at Holy Rosary Catholic Church
It is the mission of the People of God gathered together under the patronage of Mary, Queen of the Holy Rosary, to proclaim the Good News of Salvation and to invite others to know the Lord Jesus Christ and adopt a life of discipleship for his glory. This is accomplished by:
Calling members of the Church to the recognition that we are a pilgrim people who are both called to the Eucharist and sent from it with the knowledge and joy that God’s promises to us are being fulfilled;
Promoting Christian Stewardship as a way of life that enlivens each disciple, regardless of age, to satisfy her or his hunger to worship God in thought, word and deed through generous gifts of time, talent and treasure;
Inspiring the People of God to grow in their faith by offering ample age-appropriate educational opportunities based on scripture, interpersonal relationships, peace and justice, and personal improvement; and
Seeking justice for all God’s children in the proclamation of hope through concrete actions.
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