“It is no wonder, therefore, that our predecessors have constantly defended this most approved form of devotion — the pious devotion of the faithful toward the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus [and] the custom of receiving Holy Communion on the first Friday of every month at the desire of Christ Jesus, a custom which now prevails everywhere.”
—Pope Pius XI Miserentissimus Redemptor
First Friday Devotions are prayed after the special 7:00pm Mass on the First Friday of every month.
This devotion began in the 17th century when a French Visitandine (Visitation) nun named Sr. Margaret Mary Alacoque had visions of Jesus wherein He asked the Church to honor His Most Sacred Heart. Jesus asks the faithful to go to Mass and receive Communion on the First Friday for nine consecutive months.
One of the promises of Jesus is that His Divine Heart would be merciful and a refuge at the time of death. However, it is not as simple as going to Mass for 9 months, only to never go to Mass again and lead a sinful life. The entire purpose of this devotion is to draw a person closer to the Sacred Heart of Christ. It is an opportunity for us to encounter Him more than just on Sundays and to deepen our love of Him.
Every First Friday
6:15am Mass
8:15am Mass
Adoration All Day Following Mass
7:00pm Mass
Sacred Heart Devotions and Benediction following 7:00pm Mass